Baked Tiramisu


Sep 29, 2023

1 min read

Chocolate Biscuit Cullière
310 g Egg Whites
200 g Sugar (1)
180 g Ground Almonds
200 g Sugar (2)
100 g Cake Flour
15 g Cocoa Powder
Coffee Cremeux
180 g Anchor Whipping Cream
50 g Coffee Beans
3 g Gelatin Powder
18 g Water
80 g Milk Couverture Chocolate
15 g Trablit Coffee Extract
Orange Cream Cheese Chantilly
450 g Anchor Whipping Cream
90 g Anchor Cream Cheese
45 g Sugar
2 g Gelatin Powder
12 g Water
1 no Orange Zest
    Pinch of Sea Salt
Cheesecake Paste
500 g Anchor Cream Cheese
30 g Western Star Unsalted Butter (melted)
80 g Anchor Whipping Cream
70 g Yoghurt
100 g Egg Yolks
1 no Orange Zest
140 g Egg Whites
80 g Sugar
Chocolate Biscuit Cuillère
  1. In a mixer with whisk attachment, whip up egg whites and sugar (1)​.
  2. Mix ground almond, sugar (2), cake flour and cocoa powder together​.
  3. Fold flour mixture into meringue​.
  4. Transfer to piping bag with small round tip​.
  5. Pipe into round silicon mould (Ø=7.5cm) and mini rounds (Ø=1cm)​.
  6. Dust icing sugar and rest for approx. 10 to 15 mins before baking​.
  7. Bake at 160°C in convection oven with 50% vent open for approx. 8 minutes​.
Coffee Cremeux​
  1. Infuse cream and coffee bean for 24 hours (top up the cream to 180g when cream reduced during infusion)​.
  2. Sprinkle gelatin in water​.
  3. In a pot, heat coffee infused cream and pour into milk chocolate​.
  4. Using a hand blender, blend until smooth, add melted gelatin and coffee extract​.
  5. Pour into round silicon mould (Ø=7.5cm).
  6. Let set in freezer and unmould​.
Orange Cream Cheese Chantilly
  1. Bloom gelatin with water, set aside, melt before using​
  2. In a pot, heat Anchor Whipping Cream, Anchor Cream Cheese and orange zest, stir until fully combined​.
  3. Add melted gelatin and mix well​.
  4. Transfer to container and allow to cool​.
  5. Store in chiller overnight​.
  6. Whip to semi-stiff peak and transfer to piping bag with round.
Cheesecake Paste
  1. In a mixer with paddle attachment, beat Anchor Cream Cheese until smooth.​
  2. Add Anchor Whipping Cream and yogurt, mix until smooth.​
  3. Add egg yolks and mix until smooth​.
  4. Add melted Western Star Unsalted Butter and orange zest​.
  5. In a separate mixer, whip egg whites with sugar to soft peak​.
  6. Fold meringue into cheese mixture​.
  1. Dip Biscuit Cuillère in espresso.
  2. In a ceramic bakeware, place a dipped biscuit onto base of bakeware​.
  3. Add Cheesecake paste and place another piece of dipped biscuit atop. ​
  4.  Bake with water bath at 160°C for approx 20 minutes.​
  5. Let cool before decorating​
  6. Place frozen coffee cremeux.​
  7. Pipe cream cheese chantilly and decorate with mini round biscuit cuillère.
  8. Dust with cocoa powder. 



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