Delivering Excellence Every Time


2 mins read

Foodservice delivery was already taking off before 2020 ... and then COVID happened.


While a shock, it made many businesses pivot to find new ways of setting up fast, convenient delivery models. And that meant new ways of thinking around pricing and cost management, updated menus, websites, communicating with customers, staff management plus extra food safety and hygiene measures.

So here’s our top tips to get you started:

  • Before you sign up to a delivery platform, make sure it’s viable and can cover costs. 
  • Invest in your online presence – perhaps even partnering with various 3rd party delivery apps.
  • Be everywhere online diners look for food, and make it super easy to order. 
What about menus?

  • Keep it simple: A compact delivery menu can reduce operating budgets, make ingredient ordering easier, and increase turnaround times. 
  • Bring on the food specials: Show diners your specials on social media using hashtags and great shots to drum up extra business and excitement.
  • Pair up: Suggest meal pairings or ‘goes well with’ ideas, including milkshakes and desserts to boost orders.
On the Road

  • Will it stay hot and in shape? Created dishes that reheat well and survive bumpy roads! 
  • Try “heat-at-home” options: These dishes can be delivered earlier in the day and reheated later which means less stress on your kitchen during busy mealtimes. 
  • Let fried items breathe: Use vented lids (or poke holes in your lids) to prevent trapping moisture inside the containers resulting in soggy dishes.
  • Pack pasta just under al dente: So it won't go mushy and overcooked.
Prep and delivery during COVID-19

  • Stay safe: You must have visible safety standards in place – using masks and gloves if necessary. Keep an eye on staff health, and use individually packed utensils.
  • Use designated drop-off points if possible: Restrict your own deliveries to surrounding suburbs for faster delivery. 
  • Disinfect delivery bags: Do this regularly.
  • Keep records: Record temperatures and keep details of chefs, handlers, and deliveries.
  • Use zero contact delivery: Place orders at the front door and phone/message to let customers know their order has arrived – wait until you see them pick it up.