Sweet Potato Hash with Bacon Praline and Blue Cheese


1 min read

4   Medium sweet potato
15 gr Anchor Unsalted Butter
  pinch Nutmeg
    Salt & pepper
125 gr Sugar
300 ml Water
100 gr Streaky bacon (chopped and cooked until crisp)
250 ml Anchor Cream Cheese
15 ml Chutney or relish
    Olive oil
150 gr Mainland Blue Cheese or
150 gr Mainland Crumbly Feta
  1. To make the Hash mixture – par-cook sweet potato, skin on, allow to cool and grate into a bowl, add half of the melted butter, nutmeg, salt and pepper and mix well.
  2. Heat a heavy-based pan and add a little olive oil and a little butter, take small handfuls of the hash and form patties.
  3. Pan fry on a low to medium heat and flip when golden and crispy.
  4. For the praline, add the sugar and water to a pan on a medium heat, whilst waiting for the caramel, line a tray with baking paper.
  5. Pour the caramel over the tray and sprinkle with and crispy bacon bits, allow to cool and harden – roughly blitz or chop to form gold dust.
  6. Blend together cream cheese and chutney or relish a drizzle of olive oil.
  7. Serve fried hash cakes with a spoonful of flavoured cream cheese, crumbled blue cheese or feta and a sprinkle of bacon praline.
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Find the ingredients to make Sweet Potato Hash with Bacon Praline and Blue Cheese today!